Thursday, January 20, 2011

Easy way to speak in American accent...

We know that Eng­lish is spo­ken mostly in the west­ern coun­tries like USA, Canada, UK etc. Eng­lish is the mother tongue of the peo­ple who live here. Eng­lish became one of the most impor­tant lan­guages because of the glob­al­iza­tion. If you are deal­ing with busi­ness then speak­ing in Eng­lish is very impor­tant to deal with the for­eign issues. Peo­ple in coun­tries like India also speak in Eng­lish but the accent is dif­fer­ent from the west­ern­ers. So peo­ple try to improve their accent and try to speak in Amer­i­can accent but this is not pos­si­ble if you just watch the Eng­lish movies or read Eng­lish news papers.
Pho­net­ics is the basics for the west­ern accent. If you are really moti­vated to speak in Amer­i­can accent or west­ern accent then it can be done very eas­ily by learn­ing the pho­net­ics. I too tried to speak in Amer­i­can accent many times by mim­ic­k­ing the dia­logues of Eng­lish movies but I never able to speak in real world in that way. There are sev­eral soft­ware which will train you to speak in Amer­i­can accent very eas­ily. Recently I tried the soft­ware “Sephonic”. I want to say that, this is a won­der­ful soft­ware which helps in learn­ing Amer­i­can accent. Through this soft­ware I learned all the basics of pho­net­ics and with in less period of time I was able to speak in that slang.
This soft­ware starts with very basics of pho­net­ics like pho­netic alpha­bets then match­ing sound and pho­netic sign then speak­ing the cor­rect pho­netic word (word in pho­netic alpha­bets), spelling the cor­rect pho­netic sound, cor­rect spelling and sev­eral other kinds of prac­tice ses­sions which really helps us to speak in Amer­i­can slang. This is very easy to use, sim­ple, small soft­ware but very much use­ful. Let’s see each fea­ture separately.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Editor's Review - YouTube Music Downloader

Youtube Music Downloader is a neat utility you can use for downloading your favorite music videos from Youtube. And that's not all. The program ca be used for converting the files into various multimedia file formats.

The user interface is clean and carefully designed. The thing I liked a lot about this application was the fact that it's based on a browser engine and it allows you to browse directly the website (Youtube) for your favorite media. The in-built browser is designed to search directly among Youtube music categories. There's also a search engine included in case you search for specific items.

Downloading and converting media files is quite easy. You can either browse the clips using the inbuilt browser and download them directly or you can use the 'Add New Download' window.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What Is Romance?

Being romantic is hard work. Some people think that romance is easy, that anybody can be romantic with very little work. This is not true. To be romantic there are a lot of things you must know about romance and a lot of situations you must prepare for. For example, you and your beloved plan a date for next Friday night. You ask where she'd like to go. "Oh, I don't know," is her reply. "Surprise me. I know you'll think of something special." What do you do? Give up? Read on and learn the secrets of romance

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to Create a Photo Album on the iPhone

Using the photo album for storing and viewing images on your new iphone is similar to the way Tom Cruise looks through the pre-crime video streams from the Precogs, in the movie "Minority Report", except you don't need gloves or judges!
It's really cool!

The great news is, although it may seem like a complicated piece of technology to work, if you have fingers you can work it! Actually, I take that back, if you don't have fingers, you can still work it!

Personally I love the idea of having my phone, ipod (mp3 player for music or videos), internet access, e-mail, and all my photos in one state-of-the-art cool looking gadget!

WORD Of THE WISE: although grandparents love photos, I would stick to a good old fashion photo album as a present if I were you, that is unless yours is ther very techno-savy type of grandparent...

Monday, August 23, 2010

50 Interesting Facts.

1. If you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on your right side. If you are left handed, you will tend to chew your food on your left side.

2. If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. For when a human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts off.

3. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.

4. Your tongue is germ free only if it is pink. If it is white there is a thin film of bacteria on it.

5. The Mercedes-Benz motto is “Das Beste oder Nichts” meaning “the best or nothing”.

6. The Titanic was the first ship to use the SOS signal.

HD Video Recording.shoot, edit, share all in HD.

Because your iPhone goes with you everywhere, you’re always ready to capture every moment. And with iPhone 4, you can do it in stunning high definition. Its advanced backside illumination sensor delivers great-looking video in both bright and low-light settings. And in dark environments, you can brighten the scene with the built-in LED light.

Edit video right on iPhone.

No need to wait until you’re back at your computer to edit video. You can perform basic editing right in the Camera app. Just drag to select start and end points on a filmstrip.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

How to Go Natural: 10 Lifestyle Tips

Over the years I have become convinced that the vast majority of people are well intentioned about being eco-friendly, natural consumers, both for the sake of their families and the environment.

The obstacles keeping them from making eco-friendly consumer choices are usually lack of time to do the research, not knowing where to find the research to begin with, and the lack of convenient access to the products.

In response to this awareness I thought it might be helpful to tell you how I manage to live this lifestyle in my everyday life. Here are my tips about how I buy clothes, food, personal care products and furnishings; manage cleaning and pest control; and take care of my pets.